Housing and living in The Netherlands
Salaries and working conditions in The Netherlands are better compared to most countries in Europe. Work and life balance is stable here. That means working normal hours for decent wages.
This country is known for a specific way of working. Dutchmen focus on objectives and results, rather than making your 8 hours a day. Flexibility in our work is what we live by. As an employee you are to be assessed on what you do, not the hours you make. This honest way of working makes the Netherlands popular under so many people from all over the world.
Finding a place to live could be a challenge, especially in The Netherlands. There are more than 17 million people living here, and getting housing accommodation is difficult. Even for the Dutch. For internationals it could be a challenge.
Fortunately, Work in Holland has housing available for international workers. Finding a job through us, automatically means that you will also get a place to live. Not too far away from your place of work. We take care of our people. That is one of our most important goals.
Our hiring process
This is how smooth and easy it is
- You write a short motivation
- You send us your CV
- We schedule a video call to discuss your needs and wishes
- Are we a good match? All documents are on their way
- You receive contracts and documents to sign online
- And all relevant information about housing and info about the relocation
- You book your flight, the made costs for the ticket you will receive later
- We pick you up from the airport and guide you around
- We introduce you with your new employer
- We show you around your neighborhood and take you to your new home
- We sit down with you to chat and to make you feel welcome

EU nationality
Were you born in a European country and have you lived there for at least 8 years? Then you do not need a permit to work in another European country. This is part of the free movement of people. All you need is a valid passport, DNI or other official documents proving your nationality, as well as applying for the Citizen Service Number - called BSN in Dutch.

Bank account
You don't have to open a new bank account to work in the Netherlands. You can work with your own national bank account without extra cost. However, if you plan to live and work in the Netherlands for an extended period of time, we recommend that you open an account with a Dutch bank. For this you need a valid proof of identity, the citizen service number (BSN) and a copy of the employment contract.

The minimum wage in the Netherlands is around €2.100 per month. Through Work in Holland we offer only jobs with a minimum of €2.400 per month. The exact amount depends on your professional profile and the position. Keep in mind that the salary is shown as a gross amount, so taxes and social security contributions will be deducted from the salary.

At Workinholland.com by Labourlink there are three types of contracts: temporary, self-employed and permanent. The temporary contract is for a fixed period and then you will work for one of our clients. Employees who work for two years with a temporary contract in the same company are already entitled to a permanent contract. The self-employed contract is for candidates with a VAT-number.
Cool sights to view in The Netherlands

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